Thursday, July 30, 2009

Oh youtube. . . .

My roommate Michelle introduced to the first video on the list, which made so totally thoroughly happy that I felt compelled to blog about it. In order to make this a more substantial blog post, here is a random assortment of my other favorite videos. Which I'm sure many of you already know.
My post inspiration:
For those with a particular sense of humor:
Every one of these lists should include laughing babies. My favorite:
Great commercial:
Someday (resurrection) I will be able to quote movies at will and with perfection, like some people. In the meantime, this is the only video I can quote:
(actually I just remembered I can quote Veggie Tales pretty well)

Monday, July 13, 2009

50 things that make me terribly happy

My friend Hannabeth had her friends compile lists of "10 things that make us terribly happy." Here is mine, only extended. I tried to make them all things that would completely make my day. I love making lists.

1) Blueberry-cranberry Haagen-Daaz sorbet
2) Sincere, unusual compliments
3) Banana Republic outlets
4) Acheiving personal goals
5) When I read my scriptures in the morning
6) Facebook friend requests
7) Scoring at the thrift store
8) Power tools (drills!)
9) Sushi samples at Macey's
10) When I get to pull out all the stops on the organ
11) Being in love when the seasons change
12) Pink tiger lilies
13) Any flowers, really
14) A new conference issue
15) When your last class gets out early
16) A date outfit that fits the occasion perfectly
17) Clean towels, sheets, and bathrobe.
18) Aaron Copland, Rachmoninoff, and Randy Travis
19) So You Think You Can Dance?
20) A good game of ultimate frisbee
21) Grape juice
22) Being able to serve someone
23) Thunderstorms
24) "Awesome Job!" "Way to Go!" etc. on the testing center screen
25) Mail--letters, packages, postcards
26) Puddlejumping
27) "beeeeeeeeeep. This is APX two-way testing. Please state. . . " Hasn't happened for a while, and I'll probably never hear it again, but I can still remember the pure joy.
28) New bars of soap
29) When the Pistons make a good trade (been a while)
30) Beating Matthew in Star Wars battlefront
31) Being 3/4ths of the way through a great book
32) Barnes and Noble. The smell, the chairs, oh man.
33) Knowing exactly where my license, debit card, and BYU id are.
34) Target trips
35) Driving over the speed limit with the windows down
36) Breathing in the air after getting off the plane from Utah to Virginia
37) Airport reunions
38) Boggle
39) Free t-shirts
40) That time during a campfire trip where everyone is chatting a little bit, but mostly just comfortably staring at the fire
41) Camping with my extended family
42) Sight-reading piano music
43) Waking up early in the morning, looking at the clock, and realizing that this is the day you can sleep in
44) The temple
45) The ocean
46) Fresh peaches (or tomatoes, or peas)
47) Western Virginia in the fall
48) Sitting next to a man who smells amazing and is paying attention to you
49) Air conditioning on a hot day
50) A pay raise

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

maybe someday I'll actually share this blog when I have something profound to say. . . . .

First, something ridiculous: As I pondered what to write about, the first thing I did was check facebook to see what I have been up to. Now that my credibility as a cool one is undermined. . . . . . some things in my life.

As you may have guessed, I have a new car! It's a 2007 silver Ford Taurus. Not too shabby for a college student. Well, I almost have a new car. My mother is driving it out to me in about two weeks. Which leads to the next awesome thing in my life. . .. .

My mother is coming out to visit me! She hasn't been able to be out here since she dropped me off freshman year as a baby college student. I am so excited to have her around. She's going to help me with my classroom. Which leads to the next amazing thing. . . . .

I have the keys to my school and classroom! It was a special experience walking into MY classroom for the first time. I'm going to be a real teacher. Dag. This next year could just be really amazing. My key-ring is so grown-up. Keys to cars, house, and schools! And a Smiths card.